Python Numpy and N-dimensional array operations-1

Numpy is a very essential Python package used in Numerical and Scientific computing. Numpy library comes with rich mathematical computations like linear algebra, mathematical transforms as Fourier transforms etc. Numpy is the foundation for many opensource Python packages for Maths, scientific computing, and data analysis (scikit, pandas, etc…). These packages are built on top of […]

Building Quadcopter Part-1

This is the first blog post in the “Building Quadcopter series” from which explains different parts of Quadcopter. Quadcopter generally consists of the following components. BLDC-Motors Propellers ESC (Electronics Speed controllers) Frame Flight Controller Power Distribution Board (PDB) Li-PI Battery   Motors: For Quadcopter Brush Less DC (BLDC) motors are commonly used motors. BLDC […]

Basics of Python Lists.

Lists are one of the important python data structure widely used for solving numerical, statistical problems. Lists are more like arrays in other programming languages, But lists are a heterogeneous data structure, List is defined with items separated by the comma  (“,” ) and enclosed by square brackets (‘[]‘) This below example using Jupyter notebook shows […]