How to enable Bluetooth serial profile (SPP) in headless Raspberry Pi Zero W.

Raspberry Pi running without connecting display(monitor), keyboard/mouse (USB) and accessing it through SSH or serial console is called headless configuration. We have blog post which explains how to enable serial console( UART console) on Raspberry Pi. When Linux OS booting is complete you can login to shell to give commands. During initial boot configure […]

Introduction to micropython

The use of C/C++ programming language for controlling hardware, development of system software is common practice over the years. Now due to wide acceptance of Python as common language for AI and machine learning domains, the popularity of python has increased tremendously. With increased popularity and user base hardware platforms like Raspberry Pi started giving […]

Python programming for Arduino using pyfirmata

Python has become de-facto programming language for AI and Machine Learning domains. For kids to teach python with solving these machine learning problems is a difficult task, because these domains are so complex to understand for primary school kids. Kids enjoy programming through Arduino kind of computing platforms where they can interact with physical devices […]